I have done so much reading over the past week its ridiculous... when you start feeling nauseous sitting in front of the computer screen you know you have been reading there too long. I did manage to find this awesome site that answered so many of my questions, here, she is was in the same situation as KS and I (well sorta) they were already married when he decided to enlist. We do know where we would like to be stationed if he does enlist (not that we get to pick, but you know what I mean) Kentucky. That is where we are hoping for.
KS is leaning towards becoming an Armor if he joins or going mechanical (big surprise right?) He is going to talk to Mr. V in our town, he has been in the Army for quite a while. He wants to talk to him before he goes and talks to a recruiter. I do not want him to rush into a decision by any means, but I would like to know what his decision is going so I can start preparing the kids if he does decide to go. I am feeling very impatient to find out his decision, not that I am telling him that though. I want him to take as much time as he needs to decide what is going to be best for us.
Its weird just how at peace I am about this possible decision... well its either peace or my wonderful powers of denial... lol!