I did not completely forget to announce the winner of my giveaway until Saturday when I was supposed to announce it on Thursday.
I did not realize that there is only about 11 weeks until Christmas and I have about 11 quilts to make and complete for Christmas presents!!
KS and I are not overwhelmed with the amount of cleaning out and purging that is going to have to be done to our garage before he leaves in a month... I just hope we can get it done in time!
I did not bawl my eyes out during the Army Wives season finally and I was not and still am in a funk b/c sad stuff like that just crushes me inside and I do not refuse to ever watch that finale again. I just cannot handle it and it will be added to my list of movies/shows I cannot watch.
We are not going on 33 days until Kiale leaves for basic training... I can handle this right?? I better.
Cayleigh-Grace did not manage to fall and either scratch or bruise her face and head every day this week, I swear she must have known we were getting family pictures done with my family on Sunday.
Cayleigh-Grace is not already living up to being my daughter and she is not just as klutzy as I am.
Kiale and Colin did not have a wonderful week at school and even got to get one of their boxes of toys back again, since they proved that they could keep their room clean. They did not get that box taken away 3 days later b/c they refused to pick it up and put it away!
Kiale did not make it 3 weeks before he broke the chain KS bought him for his birthday, and he does not have to pay with his own money to get it fixed.
Kiale did not get to go and enjoy watching my sisters and their boyfriends at the football game on Friday. Both of my sisters are varsity cheerleaders and their boyfriends are both on the varsity football team.