He's off to BCT

Monday, November 16, 2009

I cannot believe I am finally typing these words but here goes, KS is off to basic training. I am handling it a lot better then I thought I would, but considering that this is just the first morning... I'm sure its going to hit me eventually. The kids handled it pretty well we were all a teary mess, but that is to be expected. Yesterday was a pretty good day considering we had to say goodbye. We went by my parents and said goodbye to all of them. Then we headed to meet the recruiter and pick up all of the paperwork KS needed to take with him. After that we went to dinner... all I have to say is I will NEVER go back to Sushi Rock for the hibachi grill again. They chef almost made Kiale cry. I was so pissed, needless to say he got a $3 tip and he's lucky he got that. All the guy kept doing was shooting insults at everyone, I guess he thought he was funny. Once we got to the hotel things got really hard for Kiale and I. We were able to hang out with KS until he got his room key and then for a few minutes in his room before he walked us back down to the truck to say goodbye. Colin didn't get what was going on until KS shut the door on the truck and walked away. He knew that we were dropping KS of but I don't think he really grasped the entire concept of it until then. Thankfully I have a lot of back blogging to get done and so much sewing and cleaning to do that I know will keep me distracted for the next few days. I know I am going to need it, but at this point I just cannot wait until KS calls me. I'm not expecting it any time soon though.


Julie Danielle said...

*HUGS* to you and you had to say goodbye. The first week of being apart is always the hardest but then hopefully it will get easier. And lean on other military wives to get you through.

JG said...

I've been praying for you! And hey, Christmas Exodus is only a month away! It'll be here before you know it.

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Love your new pictures up at the top! praying for your family!

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