Colin's Birthday Party

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Well I would have to say that Colin's birthday party was a huge success. It was so nice getting everyone together. I love and look forward to the kids birthday parties so much since all of the families get together! This year is extra special since our families have expanded by 6 babies in the past year... well year and a month. It is so amazing, there were babies everywhere. 3 of the babies are within 2 months of each other! Colin was so happy with everything, it doesn't help that he got everything that he wanted. Imagine that.. Enjoy the pics everyone!!

Here are all the kids, it took this many pics just to get all there faces. Unfortunately we are missing Luke who was at his Uncles wedding and Jonathan who was home with his grandma. He is one of our new babies, he was born in January. Cammie is also missing from the pictures since she got there late as well as Alana who couldn't make it. You know its amazing, we started a little over 5 years ago with 2 and now we are up to 14 kids in our group.

Blowing out the Candles!! ( I cannot believe he is 4 already!)

Opening his presents


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