Man is this boy having some issues lately. You know you can only warn kids so many times, and then they get to spend the entire afternoon and night minus dinner in bed... Basically it all started 3 weeks ago. I go and pick the boys up from school and as soon as I get to Colin's classroom I am confronted with "Colin is just not listening and obeying in class, I will ask him a question and he has no idea what is going on b/c he is just not paying attention..." So we go home and Colin gets an entire lecture on listening and obeying his teacher and following with the lessons. I send him to school the next day with all of the best intentions... until "He still isn't paying good attention in class, maybe we should explain to him that he needs to do good in K-3 so he can be in K-4 next year." Me thinking that this would be a good idea tries it out, he cannot wait to be in Kiale's classroom, which is where he will be next year, so we give it a try. The next day is is much better and is paying attention in class again, so I think okay all is well in the world of Colin... Until I get his Thursday folder last week... M- that is not good. The kid has been all E's up until this past 2 weeks what in the heck is going on!?!? So I ask his teacher, same issues again, so we talk about it and he says he will do better. Fast forward to yesterday, I pick him up and am immediately told, by not only Colin's teacher but also Kiale's teacher, that Colin spent the ENTIRE recess on the fence, the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME! Needless to say I was WAY WAY less than pleased. His teacher said that he would not stop dancing around and being disruptive in class and would not listen to her when she told him to quite down and take he seat... (did I mention I was not happy when I heard this, and I am still not happy) So our dear sweet Colin got to spend literally the ENTIRE afternoon and night in bed yesterday. He wasn't allowed to have ANY stuffies, not even Buzzy, no books, nothing. The only time he was allowed out of bed was to go to the bathroom or to eat dinner. So hopefully this helped and he will be good and listen and obey today at school. We shall see in a few hours...
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